JSC Razrez Bachatskiy


Coal mining and sale

About us

In the modern world, where energy resources are becoming an integral part of strategic development, JSC Razrez Bachatskiy demonstrates its ambitious plans and is set for dynamic development.

With a potential annual production capacity of up to 95 million tons of high-quality thermal and metallurgical coal by 2026, the company confidently occupies its niche in the producers' market.

JSC Razrez Bachatskiy not only strives to meet the domestic needs of the Russian market, but also aims to actively develop export positions, strengthening its ties with international partners.

Innovative coal mining technologies, introduced into the production process, help minimize the negative impact on the environment and increase the efficiency of operations.

A team of professionals with extensive experience and fresh ideas is actively working to expand production capacity and modernize equipment. The company's strategy includes product diversification and development of auxiliary services, which ensures sustainable growth and competitiveness in the market. Thus, JSC Razrez Bachatsky is confidently, step by step, paving its way to becoming an authoritative player in the coal industry of Russia.

Supplied Coal

We offer

PCI (pulverized coal injection)

Actively used in the steel industry by metallurgical enterprises through the injection technology of pulverized coal used in blast furnace production. This approach allows to significantly reduce the consumption of expensive coke, offering a more affordable, efficient and environmentally friendly way of using coal PCI.

Thermal coal

Thermal coal with a high calorific value is intended for use as a fuel for generating electricity and heat. Its use not only optimizes production processes, but also helps to reduce the negative impact on the environment. Thus, the use of pulverized coal fuel is becoming an important step in the modernization of the metallurgical industry, improving economic indicators and increasing the sustainability of production to changing market conditions.

JSC Razrez Bachatskiy

Reg No 1244200006093

TIN 4253056410

654063, Kemerovo region, Novokuznetsk, Kuibyshevsky district, Shchorsa street, 13, floor 2, office 4